A New Direction — Horror Filmmaking

Lance Eliot Adams
4 min readMar 8, 2022

Last year I decided to take my filmmaking and screenwriting career in a new direction. I’ve written a few horror screenplays and I co-produced a horror short, but looking at 2022 I’ve decided to focus on horror filmmaking. Over the past few years I’ve also written a half dozen horror short stories.

Over the summer of 2021 I wrote two horror feature screenplays and I’ve been developing a number or horror movie ideas. I’ve also written half a dozen horror short film scripts.

Last fall, I took an online and zoom course for Horror fiction writing. While not directly related to writing horror screenplays or making horror films I felt that it was important to hear what they had to say about writing for the horror genre.

Writing in this genre has taking my work in a new direction. With one of the horror feature scripts I used some of my own experiences to write the script. And while the story is entirely fictional I feel like it is closer to my own life than a lot of the scripts and short films I’ve made in the past.

With the horror short film scripts I found myself inspired by certain ideas and images. I started a list of ideas for titles and ideas for stories. On my morning and afternoon walks I would mull over those ideas. Usually one idea would percolate to the top and I would work out scene ideas during my walk.

Over the past year I’ve been saving my money so I can actually have a budget for the films I produce in the future. Money was always a barrier to what I thought I could do on set. Knowing that I will be able to pay people, I feel more confident to explore ideas I didn’t really touch before.

For the majority of the scripts we would need make up effects or special effects or both to pull them off. It’s difficult to do those things without a budget.

Filmmaking and screenwriting is a process of continuous education. You can learn something new every day your are on set and you can learn something every day you sit down to write. I’ve spent much of 2021 learning more about the horror genre. I have always been a fan of horror. In the last year my viewing habits have been to learn the genre.

Creepy Short Table Reading

In November I put together a zoom table reading for three of the shorts I wrote in 2021. Each of them had a creepy or horror element to them. One of them is a very Halloween short about a girl who wants candy. One of them could be a Twilight Zone episode. And the third was inspired in part by my childhood and the different cultures which live in Chicago.

I was truly inspired by the images that came to mind when I was developing these scripts and one of the most complementary notes I received was: “You’ve got strong concepts and visuals you’re playing with in all three scripts, and they’re appropriately disturbing for horror films.”

Holding a table reading is an important part of my filmmaking process. I’m not ready to go forward with a plan for production unless the table reading goes well.

I am grateful to the actors who lent their voices to the table reading and the colleagues who attended and provided feedback.

After the reading I’ve decided that I will likely pursue the Halloween short for future production. Most of the people who have read the three scripts seem to connect with that script the most and it seems like it is the closest to being ready for production.

Next Steps

I’m developing a few micro-short ideas. Short films which would run 2–3 minutes and take a half day or a day for each to produce.

I’d like to produce a micro-short in late Winter 2022 or early Spring. A lot goes into production and producing a micro short would help me remember the process. It would also give me a low budget opportunity to be on set and directing actors.

Then looking at mid to late Spring, I would like to film the Halloween short.

In the meantime I’m continuing to rewrite and revise a horror / thriller feature length screenplay. It was written to be produced on a micro budget and I hope to direct it later in the year in 2022. When I think the horror / thriller feature script is ready I will send it to screenplay competitions and festivals.


Regardless of what else happens, I plan on continuing to write horror scripts and to rewrite the scripts I’ve already written. With a little luck I will be able to get on set again this year and maybe even scare people when these films are produced.

I plan on making a spooky micro short, a creepy short, and a horror / thriller feature this year. To make these films happen, I need you, your friends, and your creepy cousin. Filmmaking will happen in Chicago. If you would like to support this horror slate, please connect.

Next week’s blog: Filmmaking is Madness

Check out last week’s blog post: How to Organize a Table Reading for your Horror Short Screenplays



Lance Eliot Adams

Chicago filmmaker. over 20 short films, 160 article posts, thank you for stopping by. For my short films, check out: http://Vimeo.com/bridgeportfilmclub